We started my baby's first Christmas off by going to my parents for dinner and presents. Oh, how I love Christmas Eve!! We had the tastiest dinner thanks to mom and then we played games. Haha I wish I has set up my video camera. We are CRAZY!!! But I did end up winning the Nordstrom gift card! Yay me! Here's some pics, enjoy!
Cohen and aunt Kenz, unwrapping his gift. For some reason he hated the wrapping paper I dunno what his deal was, but it scared the crap out of him haha.
Co thinks he a rock star now thanks to Grandma Stephie and Grandpa Matt. He seriously sings his little heart out into that microphone its hilarious!
Yay for Christmas Jammies!!

Walkin' down the stairs to see what Santa brought:)

Yay! He came and brought Co lots of stuff!!

Playing with his toys and laughing at dad..

He LOVES his sports center. He shoots hoops all day!

Then we headed off to Grandma Sue's for some more presents and breakfast.

Co loved the food more than the gifts:)

Grandma Netso and Grandpa Scott got him his first 4-wheeler!

We had a really long and fun day but this is how it ended.. ahh perfection!
We love love love Christmas! It was such a good weekend.. I should have taken more pictures of other people haha but I'm pretty consumed with Cohen. We also got to Skype with my brother in Thailand! He is so cute but I miss him way more now that we got to see him:( Only 6 more months!!
Walkin' down the stairs to see what Santa brought:)
Yay! He came and brought Co lots of stuff!!
Playing with his toys and laughing at dad..
He LOVES his sports center. He shoots hoops all day!
Then we headed off to Grandma Sue's for some more presents and breakfast.

Co loved the food more than the gifts:)
Grandma Netso and Grandpa Scott got him his first 4-wheeler!
We had a really long and fun day but this is how it ended.. ahh perfection!
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